What is Discord Hypesquad?

What is Discord Hypesquad?

Discord is an online communication platform for the gaming community as well as non-gaming individuals. Members who use Discord are termed Discord members and are eligible for applying for an aptitude test to be Discord hype squad members. Discord Hypesquad is basically a group of Discord members who represent Discord globally online.

This article will educate you about some basic information about Discord Hypesquad.

What is Discord HypeSquad?

A community of Discord members representing Discord online. Let’s discuss further details.

HyperSquad Tiers

Every member of HypeSquad has different responsibilities. They are split into different tiers. One is the online tier and the other one is the event tier:

  •  Online Tier: As a part of the Online Tier, you can use your content and social media platforms to raise awareness about Discord among people globally online. As a member of the online tier, you get many benefits, such as a HypeSquad exclusive newsletter, a HypeSquad badge, and special house-exclusive challenges.
  •  Event Tier: As a member of the Event tier, members coordinate with other members to arrange offline events. They get many VIP benefits along with having all the advantages online tier members have. Additionally, they get stickers, pins and shirts, and amazing event packages.

HypeSquad Houses

This is nothing like hype squad tiers. Members are divided into three houses i.e. bravery, brilliance, and balance:

  • House of Bravery focuses on bravery as a value.
  • House of Brilliance focuses on brilliance and intelligence as a theme.
  • House of Balance focuses on creating and maintaining equilibrium in different communities.

Requirements for Joining Tiers

  • For applying for the Online Tier, you need to be 13 years old at least.
  • For applying for the Event tier, you need to be at least 16 years old and arrange gaming events.

Note: If you want to be in charge or head, you need to make a 3-minute video in which you will make sure to impress the Discord heads to secure your position.


In short, Discord HypeSquad is a community of people that manages Discord through their qualities like bravery, brilliance, and maintaining balance in communities. Being a Hypesquad member, you can get plenty of advantages. This blog discussed about Discord Hypersquad and their types.

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