How to Transfer Discord Ownership

How to Transfer Discord Ownership

Discord is a messaging application that enables users to have discussions with their loved ones. It was initially designed as a method to chat while playing video games. Still, it has now gained so much popularity that users use it for a variety of purposes, including having discussions with like-minded individuals about a variety of issues.

But what if the original admin of a specific server decides to quit and stop serving in that capacity? Every Discord server requires at least one admin in order to function. Because of this, not many people know that they may transfer ownership on Discord, and we’ll be talking about this. 

So, in this article, we are going to provide you with an easy way to understand how to transfer ownership on Discord.

How to Transfer Discord Server Ownership?

Having a space for social gatherings serves a purpose for some people, but not for others, who might find that commitment to be worth making. Especially if you don’t have any more administrators to assist you, managing every single member and event on a server might become way too difficult.

You can transfer the obligation to someone else and maintain a casual environment if you no longer feel like carrying that task. An easy guide to transfer the ownership of Discord to any other individual is provided below.

Step 1: Launch Discord

First, start the Discord app on your preferred device:

Then, from the list of servers on the left side of the screen, select the server you want to transfer ownership of:

Step 2: Open the Server

To access the Server Name box’s settings panel, click on it:

Step 3: Select “Server Settings”

You must choose the “Server Settings” option from the several options that will appear:

Step 4: Select “Members”

Head toward the User Management portion of the left sidebar, and click the Members Option:

Step 5: Select the User You Want to Make the Owner

Select/Locate the user to whom you want to transfer ownership:

Step 6:  Select the “Transfer Ownership” Option

Click on the three dots next to a user’s name to see that user’s specific preferences. Select the Transfer Ownership option in the red box. The chosen user will immediately take ownership of the server, leaving you with only standard user status and any additional capabilities granted to you based on your position on the server:

Step 7: Acknowledgment Required

Enabling the green tick icon means you have acknowledged the changes you have made. After that, Click on the Transfer Ownership button:

Step 8: Email Verification

Verification can be done by sending the verification code to your email. Next, click Transfer Ownership:

Step 9: Confirmation

The crown-shaped icon in front of any user’s name means now he/she is the Discord owner. So, it means we successfully transferred discord ownership to other users:

Note: Before clicking Transfer Ownership, double-check that you have the correct user selected since once it’s done, the only way to undo it is to request that the new admin transfer ownership back to you.


In a nutshell, you can hand off the reins and retire back to being a regular participant if you can convince someone else in the server to volunteer for the role and the other server players are okay with it. You can also temporarily transfer ownership to someone else, then have them return it to you if you don’t want the hand-off to be permanent.

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