How to Enable Push To Talk on Discord

How to Enable Push To Talk on Discord

Discord is a platform for gamers for communicating with other gamers through communities. It has a variety of features, out of which one is Push to Talk feature. This feature is important and helpful as it helps to reduce noise in gaming sessions or groups. It ensures that only the voice of the user who actively presses the designated key is transmitted. This helps to reduce background interruptions, Moreover, Push to Talk is considered a gaming standard among gamers.

This article will help/assist you a lot if you want to enable this feature for future use.

How To Enable/Add Push To Talk Option on Discord?

We will discuss how to enable/add push to talk option on different discord versions. Detailed explanation is given below

Method 1: Enable/Add Push To Talk on Mobile Phone

On the mobile phone version, you can only have two options: either you want to select push-to-talk or voice activity. You can’t set up push-to-talk on the mobile phone version.

Step 1: Head toward Account settings

Click on the face-shaped icon present at the  bottom right side of the screen:

Step 2: Select “Voice” from App Settings

Head towards  App Settings and clicking on Voice will open a new screen:

Step 3: Click on “Input Mode” Option

Clicking on Input mode, you will see options. One is push-to-talk and the other is Voice Activity. We will select Push-to-talk:

Method 2: Enable/Add Push To Talk on Desktop Discord App

There is a small guide by which we can enable push-to-talk on our desktop discord app. Follow the mentioned steps to enable push to talk without any inconvenience.

Step 1: Go to “Settings”

Head toward the gear-shaped settings icon and click on it:

Step 2:  Select “Voice and Video”

In app settings, click on “Voice and Video”:

Step 3: Head towards “Input Mode”

There are two options in the input mode settings. One is Voice Activity and the other is push to talk:

Step 4: Select “Push to Talk”

We have to choose Push to Talk in order to proceed one more step towards enabling it:

Step 5: Setting “Shortcut key”

In this bar, we write the shortcut key we want to use as push to talk key. By clicking on the keyboard-shaped icon marked below the image, we will be able to edit the shortcut key:

Successfully, we changed the shortcut key:

Step 6: Setting “Push to talk release delay”

Push to talk release delay” is basically the time between when the key is pressed and when the audio transmission actually starts. We can adjust it by sliding the slider:

 By following all of the above-mentioned steps, you will be able to enable push to talk feature on Discord.


In a nutshell, Push To Talk helps you to share your input voice only when you intend to share it with other members by pressing the shortcut key you have already selected. It helps to avoid noise and unnecessary interruptions in groups.

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